College Project
a free world?

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College Project
Mar 2022
Story, Video
Project Summary
To select 3 images out of 30 and build a story line around it.
What I worked on

Plot: A Journey to self acceptance amongst strong minded crowd

Character: A teenage boy from North East part of country, Nagaland

Emotions: Trapped, Pain, Self-Acceptance

Setting: Somewhere in Western part of the country

The Challenge
a free world? have always wondered about acceptance. The idea of having body art may seem absolutely normal and can be praised in many places too! but hailing from the eastern side of the country made me feel unfit for this world. It seemed funny and uncanny how certain life choices can change people perceptions about you. Years of goodwill and commendable behaviour can just go down the drain in one choice. I was always told to act a certain way around people, choose what everyone chooses and follow a certain imaginary rule book of “fitting in”. However, my idea and approach to life were completely different. I wanted to live a life full of choices, mistakes and learnings! A choice of body art, a choice of going into an “unusual” usual field to so much more. I chose to live away from family. But is living a life on your terms is considered such an “unfriend” thing to do? Coming into a new community, I was eyed like a mural in a museum. I was kept an eye for, children were always told to stay away from me and the society’s “fitting behaviour” came through. A free world? Haha what a trap! A carefree life is easier said than done. The whispers and change of direction when you are in their way can’t be just forgotten. Years of living in this world and going through this pain, I decided to start my personal journey to overcome these issues and start learning about self love and self respect As I learned about self-love and self acceptance, the feelings of shame, fear, and inadequacy gave way to a feeling of appreciation of real beauty. Now I can see the truth.